We are located in the industrial park of Baradero , Provincia de Buenos Aires.
That is where our administrative offices and warehouse/factory can be found.
In our workshop we have the appropriate machinery and technology for the execution, construction and installation of structures and equipment for big industrial projects.

Our Workshops

The production area includes two workshops, one of 1200 m2 and the other of 612m2, and a docking zone with 3200 m2 , equipped for the production of metallic structures, mechanization and assembly of pieces.

The workshops are assisted by crane bridges with 7 Tn capacity; each of them with a 14 meters length.

Also available are two monorails, each capable of supporting 3Tn.

We have an area specified in the mechanization of pieces, a sanding and painting area, and another one for the preparation of any kind of weldings.


Furthermore, we also have external workshops located in the companies for whom we work, in order to offer a better logistical support in the areas of maintenance, construction and equipment installation.


Our equipment allows us to work with sheet plates, edges, tubes, etc.

We employ all kind of materials such as carbonated steel, stainless steels of different qualities. ( AISI 304, AISI304L, AISI310, AISI316 Y AISI316L), non ferrous materials (aluminum and bronze), or any other kind of material required for your Project (titanium, aluminum, zirconium, etc).

Our staff is qualified to weld on many kinds of materials. We work with tubes of high, medium and low pressure. ASME Norms and American Welding Society

Also, we have different kinds of welding by arc.

We make cuts with plasma, as well as MIG welding Metal Active Gas , MAG Metal Active Gas and TIG Tungesten Iner Gas.

Elevation Services >>>

For the industrial assembly we provide transportation and elevation services with 5 owned cranes with a 45 tn capacity each.


03329-483574 // 484120 - Colombres 1705 (CP 2942) Baradero Bs. As. Argentina